Norman Bolter's Bio, Carol Viera's Bio and the Frequency Band pages.
For information about Air-ev Productions, please read on.
Air-ev Productions®:
Air-ev Productions is a music content and services company that classifies its business into four areas: Recorded Music, Music Publishing, Music Education and Music Performance. An independent (indie) music company, founded in 1994, Air-ev is not now and never has been an offshoot or otherwise part of any other organization or group within or outside of the music industry.
Air-ev Productions promotes "music as a living thing" and fosters unique training and performance opportunities in music through the works of Norman Bolter and Dr. Carol Viera. To help serve this purpose, Air-ev publishes printed music and recordings by Norman Bolter and music studies by Mr. Bolter and Dr. Viera, many of which can be ordered from the online Catalogue of this website or through our retailers and distributors. Furthermore, Air-ev offers both a home base and various levels of support to the Frequency Band® as part of its education and performance element.
Air-ev Productions is a member of the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) and the National Music Publishers Association (NMPA) and is an affiliate of the Harry Fox Agency, Inc. (HFA).
Over the past sixteen years, our music has been performed throughout the United States, as well as in Australia, Continental Europe, Japan, New Zealand, South America and the United Kingdom, and it has been heard on recordings throughout the world. Frequency Band workshops also have been conducted around the USA and abroad.
The instructional exercises and other texts have developed as a direct result of Mr. Bolter and Dr. Viera's years of experience in teaching and coaching and in pioneering their Frequency Band way and style.