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What is the plasma?

What is the plasma?

October 5, 2016
I was working on a way of

In this video John answers the question about how far will the frequencies from the plasma project out.

Here are a few more details to help clarify the question.

Q: Can you get me a power vs. distance vs. frequency curve for the plasma tube? Your claim is it is more powerful than the other units but only works to about 2 cm. I successfully used the GB4000 MOPA at about 2 meters.
A: I am not sure who gave you this information. Our unit works much further than 2cm! We could detect a strong signal 60m away through concrete walls. The tube has about 40 watts applied. All of this power is used to treat the pathogen, not provide a carrier that has no function apart from lighting the tube and causing frequency fatigue. Beyond a few cm the field of all plasma devices changes from near field to far field. The near field is more effective. This is why we recommend having the tube close or even touching.

Q: What makes you say the near field is more effective?
A: That is the field type used by doctors when they used the original Rife machines.They found that beyond several feet the results were not so good.The signals can still be detected but the field starts turning into far field. Plasma produces two related fields. The one that does the really heavy lifting is the near-field, and this extends six inches from the tube in all directions. After six inches, it becomes far-field, which isn't as effective as near-field, although it still works efficiently enough to disinfect and clear mold from a home.So it still works on the body, just not to the same extent and power as near-field.

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